Ft. Jesup State Historic Site

Ft. Jesup State Historic Site

Fort Jesup is a reminder of a young nation's growing pains and a relic of Louisiana's rich international heritage. When the Louisiana Purchase Treaty of 1803 failed to clearly define the western boundary of Louisiana, which was also the western border of the country at that time, the United States claimed eastern Texas and Spain claimed western Louisiana. The ensuing dispute gave rise to the "Neutral Ground," an area where the laws of neither nation were enforced. Soldiers and settlers were kept out and rogues of various stripes ruled the region.

After the territorial boundary was finally fixed at the Sabine River by the Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819, the United States built Fort Jesup in 1822. Lieutenant Colonel Zachary Taylor established and commanded the garrison, and Taylor's troops eventually managed to establish law and order in the Neutral Ground, and Fort Jesup remained an important military post for nearly 25 years.

Ft. Jesup State Historic Site
32 Geoghagan Road
Many, LA 71449
Sabine Parish